Temperature sensors for loggers with external probes Some TECNOSOFT temperature dataloggers are provided with external probe with cable. The dataloggers that use this probes are:
Radio receiver with Ethernet connection The WTMC is a radio receiver that can acquire data from the TempStick Radio, the wireless transmitter with temperature sensor. The...
Radio Receiver for TempStick Radio This is the USB Radio Receiver that allows to receive data from the TempStick Radio and send them to the TSR software. The USB Radio Receiver...
Rádiový prímač s displejom, tlačiarňou a signalizáciou Rádio tlačiareň je súčasťou bezdrôtového systému pre sledovanie teploty a regulovania. Ten je tvorený jedným alebo...
Interface for the TempStick and HumiStick The TecnoStick Interface is the device used to read and program the TempStick dataloggers (all versions: TempStick, TempStick Probe and...
Prenosné rozhranie pre TempStick The SRI (Starter&Reader Interface) je prenosné zariadenie pre programovanie a čítanie TempSticks, maličké teplotné dataloggery. Vybavený...
Rozhranie pre rádiové zariadenia Rádio konfiguračné rozhranie sa používa pre nastavenie a naprogramovanie TempStick Radio senzorov - vysielačov a Radio uzlov zariadení. Umožňuje...
Portable interface for TempStick and FridgeLog software The FLI (FridgeLog Interface) is the portable interface for TempStick programming and reading, dedicated to the FridgeLog...
Adapter for SterilCyl, PasteurCyl, SterilCyl Radio and PasteurCyl Radio and The SterilCyl, PasteurCyl, SterilCyl Radio and PasteurCyl Radio work with the DiskInterface and the...
SterilDisk, PasteurDisk, SterilCyl, PasteurCyl, SterilCyl Radio and PasteurCyl Radio Interface The DiskInterface is the interface used for downloading data and programming...
Cable with clips for the DiskInterface
The Clip cable can be connected to the DiskInterface for communication with the SterilCyl, PasteurCyl, SterilCyl Radio and...
Datalogger teploty a vlhkosti HumiStick je maličký datalogger teploty a vlhkosti. Jeho rozmery sú len 50 x 22 mm a hrúbka iba 15 mm. Jeho maličké rozmery spolu so skutočnosťou,...