lagu Infusion Pump Tester completes tests according to IEC 601.2.24 standard. This includes taking flow measurements every 30 seconds so that the measurements are independent of...
The INCU™ is an incubator analyzer, designed around AAMI and IEC standards, that specifies temperature, humidity, sound and airflow characteristics of incubators.
VT MOBILE is a compact and portable general-purpose gas-flow analyzer designed to meet the needs of the traveling technician or engineer. This versatile tool evaluates...
QA-ES Series II analyzes electrosurgical units quickly and accurately. A wide load-resistance range provides 128 user-selectable loads, including very low loads for testing many...
The 232D Electrical Safety Analyzer is a versatile, full-featured manual tester that combines both safety testing and ECG simulation in one portable package. The test receptacle...
Výroba tohto zariadenia bola ukončená.
The 601 Pro SeriesXL is an automated electrical-safety analyzer that meets stringent international standards for electrical-safety...
ESA 620 nový tester bezpečnosti
Medzi najdôležitejšie vlastnosti tohto testera patrí meranie odporu ochranného vodiča prúdom 200 mA ako aj prúdom 25A, ktoré môžu byť vykonávané...