TecnoSoft TempStick Probe - Záznamník teploty s externým snímačom (-30 °C ÷ +65 °C)

Značka: Tecnosoft

Temperature Datalogger with external probe
The TempStick Probe temperature Data Logger is the version with external sensor of the TempStick Data Logger. There are several types of sensors and cables, some thin, some food grade: to check the available types, go to this page. The TempSticks Probe are particularly suitable to measure temperature in points not very accessible in fridges, warehouses, etc. You can place the sensor in the desired spot and then, with the SRI, you can download data without having to remove the TempStick from its place. Morevoer, they are indicated for food control, thanks to their food grade probes, to measure core product"s temperature, as regulations require especially for transported goods.

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Možnosti doručenia
Kód: 2257
€120 €100 bez DPH
TecnoSoft TempStick Probe - Záznamník teploty s externým snímačom (-30 °C ÷ +65 °C)
Značka: Tecnosoft
TecnoSoft TempStick Probe - Záznamník teploty s externým snímačom (-30 °C ÷ +65 °C)
Cena na požiadanie
Doprava zadarmo pre každý nákup nad 80€ s DPH vytvorený cez náš eshop s doručením na Slovensko.
Doprava zadarmo
pre každý nákup nad 80€ s DPH vytvorený cez náš eshop s doručením na Slovensko.
Široké možnosti platby na dobierku, kartou online alebo bankovým prevodom.
Široké možnosti
platby a doručenia pre vaše pohodlie. Prijímame platobné karty, Google Pay alebo Apple Pay.
Tovar skladom odosielame v deň objednávky (do 13:00)
Tovar skladom
odosielame v deň objednávky kuriérom SPS alebo službou Packeta (objednávky do 13:00).
Záručný, pozáručný servis teplomerov, multimetrov a iného metrologického vybavenia.
Servis a kalibrácia
teplomerov, multimetrov a iného metrologického vybavenia vrátane záručného a pozáručného servisu.

The datalogger can be supplied with calibration certificate with SIT (Italian reference center, NIST equivalent) traceability.


  • temperature monitoring of transported and stored goods, especially using the Starter&Reader Interface;
  • food temperature monitoring at core of the product;
  • chemical or clinical reagents control;
  • monitoring of fridges/freezers and other sensitive environments;
  • monitoring environmental conditions;
  • fridges/freezers control;
  • other temperature sensitive environments compliant with ISO 9001 standards.


  • high precision and accuracy;
  • product"s core temperature controlled directly;
  • printed reports useful for food&health and ISO certification and control;
  • calibration on 5 points.

The System
The basic system, for transport, is made up by:

  • TempStick Probe datalogger;
  • MTT software;
  • TecnoStick Interface or SRI.

The FridgeLog system, for continuous monitoring, is made up by:

  • TempStick Probe datalogger;
  • FridgeLog sotware;
  • FLI interface.
Size 50 X 22 X 10 hh (mm) (TempStick only, Probe size are different for each kind)
Temperature range -30 °C ÷ +65 °C (TempStick only, check the range for each probe)
Resolution 0.03 °C
Accuracy +/- 0,25 °C with calibration certificate
+/- 1 °C without calibration certificate
N° of acquisitions 2730
Software MTT
Acquisition interval From 1 every minute to 1 every 255 minutes
Battery life 10 years or 3 millions of acquisitions
Protection degree IP67
Compliancy - EN12830

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