Fluke Bm. Impulse 6000D - Tester defibrilátorov

Značka: Fluke Biomedical

Impulse 6000D Tester Defibrilátorov a kardiostimulátorov predstavujú novú generáciu. Tieto robustné, ľahko prenosné, profesionálne skúšobné prístroje sú určené pre biomedicínske účely, kde je potrebné zabezpečiť prevádzku a maximálny výkon životne dôležitých funkcií - kardioresuscitácia.


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Fluke Bm. Impulse 6000D - Tester defibrilátorov
Značka: Fluke Biomedical
Fluke Biomedical Impulse 6000D - Tester defibrilátorov;Fluke Biomedical Impulse 6000D - Tester defibrilátorov;Fluke Biomedical Impulse 6000D - Tester defibrilátorov;Fluke Biomedical Impulse 6000D - Tester defibrilátorov;Fluke Biomedical Impulse 6000D - Tester defibrilátorov;Fluke Biomedical Impulse 6000D - Tester defibrilátorov
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Impulse 6000D - prístroj zahŕňa spektrum defibrilátorových impulzov vrátane Lown, Edmark, monophasic trapezoidal(lichobežníkový monofonický záznam), DC bifázický a impulzný AC bifázický. Je vybavený full-range AED testerom, kompatibilnou simulačnou technológiou. Môžete ním testovať prístroje monofázické, bifázické a impulzne bifázické, pričom jeho presnosť merania dosahuje 1%.

Tento ergonomický testovací systém je odolný, ľahko sa prenáša, má LCD displej s funkčnými tlačidlami a zabudované dobíjacie, vysokokapacitné batérie. Môže testovať externé kardiostimulátory, ktoré využívajú priamo predefinované typy a značky. Má tiež široký rozsah zaťažovacích odporov od 50 Ω. Jeho veľkou prednosťou je, že podporuje všetky konštrukcie defibrilátorov, ktoré sa v sučastnej dobe využívajú. Prístroje je zabezpečený príslušenstvom pre bezpečné EKG pripojenia. Jednotlivé 12 - zvodové EKG simulačné schopnosti s nezávislými výstupmi, pomáhajú pri vykonávaní práce ako testovanie defibrilátorov a okrem merania energie impulzu a jeho časovania je prístroj schopný generovať fiziologické EKG priebehy s voľbou rýchlosti srdcovej frekvencie a testovať tak monitory životných funkcií.

Prístroj využíva riadiace algoritmy s využitím technológie DSP- (Digital Signal Process). Štandardné USB rozhranie umožňuje ovládanie počítača a prenos dát; softvér Ansur zvyšuje produktivitu užívateľov vybavovať sa ľahko ovládateľnými metódami pri testovacích postupoch, ľahké zachytenie priebehov, výsledky testov, tlač dokumentov a dát pre zýšenú kvalitu v biomedicínskom priemysle. 


  • Monofázické, bifázické a impulzné-bifázické meranie energie
  • Prvotriedna presnosť merania
  • Ľahko použiteľné menu
  • Interné duálne použitie (defib a Pacer) bezindukčný (2 µH) 50 Ω testload
  • Izolovaný výstup pre lepšie meranie a nižšiu EKG simuláciu
  • Domáce aj zahraničné certifikáty: CE, CSA, a C-tick (Australia)
  • Ochrana proti náhodnému vstupu Pacer pri použití defibrilátora výstupu
  • Interné vysokokapacitné NiMH batérie
  • Výstupná energia, doba nabíjania a synchronizácia defibrilačných testov
  • Napätie špičky a prúdové čítanie
  • Úplné poskytnutie monofázického a bifázického defibrilátora, vlnová krivka, časovanie parametrov
  • Prehrávanie krivky výstupného defibrilátora
  • 10 izolovaných EKG elektród -  poskytujú 12 kombinácií štandardizovaných klinických signálov
  • 2 ročná záruka od výrobcu
  • Softvér Ansur pomáha štandardizovať a dokumentovať testovacie postupy a výsledky
  • Navrhnutý, testovaný a postavený tak, aby sa zachovala kvalita a štandardnosť Fluke
Impulse 6000D Defibrillator Analyzer and Impulse 7000DP Defibrillator-Transcutaneous Pacer Analyzer
General Specifications
General Specifications
Temperature, operating 10 °C to 40 °C (50 °F to 104 °F)
Temperature, storage -20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)
Humidity 10 % to 90 % non-condensing
Display LCD display
Communications USB device port for computer control
Power Internal rechargeable NiMH battery pack for nine hours (typical) operation after full charge or the battery charger can simultaneously operate the Analyzer and charge the battery
Mechanical Housing:ABS Plastic
Height:13 cm (5 in)
Width:32 cm (13in)
Depth:24 cm (9.5 in)
Weights (w/ batteries):3.02 kg (6.6 lbs 0.1 oz)
Defibrillator Analyzer Specifications
Compatible Defibrillator Waveshapes
  Lown, Edmark, Trapezoidal, DC Bi-phasic, and AC Pulsed Bi-phasic
  AC Pulsed Biphasic waveform has not been approved in the United States.
Autoranged Measurement
  0.1 J to 600 J
0.1 J to 360 J ±(1 % of reading + 0.1 J)
360 J to 600 J ±(1 % of reading + 0.1 J), typical
  Note: For Pulsed Bi-Phasic defibrillator, specified accuracy is ±(1.5 % of reading + 0.3 J) on both ranges.
Load resistance
Resistance 50 Ω
Accuracy ±1 %, non-inductive ( <2 ׀H)
Pulse trigger level
  20 V
Pulse width
Range 1 ms to 50 ms
Accuracy ±0.1 ms
Range 20 V to 5000 V
Accuracy ±(1 % of reading + 2 V)
Range 0.4 A to 100 A
Accuracy ±(1 % of reading + 0.1 A)
Sample rate
  250 kHz (4 µs sample)
Maximum Average Power
  12 W, equivalent to 10 defib pulses of 360 J every 5 minutes
Scope Output
Autorange 2000:1, 400:1 and 80:1: dependant on the range
Waveform Playback Output: BNC
  Output impedance: 50 Ω
  Amplitude Accuracy: ±5 %
Charge Time Measurement
Range 0.1 s to 100 s
Accuracy ±0.05 s, typical
Synchronization Test (Elective Cardioversion)
Delay Time Measurement Timing window: : ECG R-wave peak to the defib pulse peak
  Range: -120 to +380 ms; measures timing from 120 ms prior to the R-wave peak to up to 380 ms following the R-wave peak
  Resolution: 1 ms
  Accuracy: ±1 ms
ECG waves Normal Sinus Rhythm (NSR): 10 BPM to 180 BPM, in 1 BPM steps
  Atrial fibrillation: Coarse and fine
  Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia: 120 BPM to 240 BPM, in 5 BPM steps
  Asystole: Flat line
Automated Defibrillator Test ECG Waves
Normal Sinus 10 BPM to 300 BPM, in 1 BPM steps
Ventricular Fibrillation Coarse and fine
Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia 120 BPM to 300 BPM, in 5 BPM steps
Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia 5 types
Asystole Flat line
ECG Waves
ECG General
Lead configuration 12-lead simulation. RA, LL, LA, RL, V1-6 with independent signal outputs
Lead-to-lead impedance 1000 Ω (nominal)
Rate accuracy ± 1 % of setting
ECG Amplitudes
Reference lead Selectable, Lead II (default) or Lead 1
Settings 0.05 mV to 0.45 mV, in 0.05 mV steps hard return 0.5 mV to 5.0 mV, in 0.5 mV steps
Accuracy (All Performance waves and Normal Sinus R waves) Lead II: ± 2 %
All other leads: ± 7 %
Defib paddles: ± 7 %
Amplitude of ECG signals relative to amplitude setting (in percent) Lead II reference:
  Performance waves and R wave detection
  Lead I – 70 %
  Lead II – 100 %
  Lead III – 30 %
  Lead V1 – 100%
  Lead V2 – 100%
  Lead V3 – 100 %
  Lead V4 – 100 %
  Lead V5 – 100 %
  Lead V6 – 100 %
  Normal Sinus waves
  Lead I – 70 %
  Lead II – 100 %
  Lead III – 30 %
  Lead V1 – 24%
  Lead V2 – 48%
  Lead V3 – 100 %
  Lead V4 – 120 %
  Lead V5 – 112 %
  Lead V6 – 80 %
  Lead I reference:
  Performance waves and R wave detection
  Lead I – 100 %
  Lead II – 150 %
  Lead III – 50 %
  Lead V1 – 100%
  Lead V2 – 100%
  Lead V3 – 100 %
  Lead V4 – 100 %
  Lead V5 – 100 %
  Lead V6 – 100 %
  Normal Sinus waves
  Lead I – 100 %
  Lead II – 150 %
  Lead III – 50 %
  Lead V1 – 24%
  Lead V2 – 48%
  Lead V3 – 100 %
  Lead V4 – 120 %
  Lead V5 – 112 %
  Lead V6 – 80 %
ECG Normal sinus
Rates 10 BPM to 360 BPM, in 1 BPM steps
ECG High level output (BNC Jack)
Amplitude Range 0.5 V/mV of reference lead setting
Accuracy ± 5 %
Output Impedance: 50 Ω
ECG on defibrillator Input Load
Lead II reference 40 % of amplitude setting
Lead I reference 60 % of amplitude setting
ECG Performance Waves
Square wave 2 Hz and 0.125 Hz
Triangular wave 2 Hz and 2.5 Hz
Sine waves 0.05, 0.5, 5, 10, 40, 50, 60, 100, 150, and 200 Hz
Pulse 30BPM and 60 BPM, 60 ms pulse width
R-Wave detection
Waveform Haver-triangle
Rates 30, 60, 80, 120, 200 and 250 BPM
Widths 8, 10, 12 and 20 to 200 (by 10) ms
Amplitudes 0.05 mV to 0.45 mV 0.05 mV hard return
  0.5 mV to 5 mV, in 0.5 mV steps
Accuracy ± (1 % setting + 1 ms)
Noise Immunity
Wave Sine
Line Frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz ( ± 0.5 Hz)
Amplitude Range: 0.0 mV to 10 mV, in 0.5 mV steps
  Accuracy: ± 5 %
Transvenous Pacer Pulse Simulation
Widths Range: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 2 ms.
  Accuracy: ± 5 % of setting
Amplitudes Range: 0 (off) and ± 2, ± 4, ±6, ±8, ±10, ±12. ±14, ±16, ±18, ±20, ±50, ±100, ±200, ±500, ±700 mV
  Accuracy: ± (10 % setting + 0.2 mV)
Amplitude of Transvenous Pacer Pulse Simulation signals relative to amplitude setting (in percent) Lead II reference:
  Lead I – 67 %
  Lead II – 100 %
  Lead III – 33 %
  Lead V1 – 67%
  Lead V2 – 67%
  Lead V3 – 67 %
  Lead V4 – 67 %
  Lead V5 – 67 %
  Lead V6 – 67 %
  Lead I reference:
  Lead I – 100 %
  Lead II – 150 %
  Lead III – 50 %
  Lead V1 – 100%
  Lead V2 – 100%
  Lead V3 – 100 %
  Lead V4 – 100 %
  Lead V5 – 100 %
  Lead V6 – 100 %
Arrhythmia selections
Pacer Interactive (Transcutaneous Pacer, Impulse 7000DP only) Demand: 30 BPM to 360 BPM, in 1 BPM steps
Threshold (interactive pacing simulation only): 10 mA to 250 mA in 10 mA steps
Supraventricular Atrial Fibrillation Coarse
Atrial Fibrillation Fine
Atrial Flutter
Sinus Arrhythmia
Missed Beat
Atrial Tachycardia
Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia
Nodal Rhythm
Supraventricular Tachycardia
Premature Atrial PAC
Nodal PNC
PVC1 Left Ventricle (LV)
PVC1 Left Ventricle (LV) Early
PVC1 Left Ventricle (LV) R on T
PVC2 Right Ventricle (RV)
PVC2 Right Ventricle (RV) Early
PVC2 Right Ventricle (RV) R on T
Multifocal PVCs (LV and RV)
Ventricular PVCs 6/min
PVCs 12/min
PVCs 24/min
Freq Multifocal
Pair PVCs
Run 5 PVCs
Run 11 PVCs
Monomorphic VTach: 120 to 300 (5 BPM steps)
Polymorphic VTach: 5 selections
Ventricular Fibrillation: Coarse and Fine
Conduction 1° Block
2° Block Type I
2° Block Type II
3° Block
Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB)
Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB)
Transvenous Pacemaker (ECG simulation only) Atrial 80 BPM
Asynchronous 75 BPM
Demand with frequent sinus beats
Demand with occasional sinus beats
AV Sequential
Selectable pacer pulse parameters for transvenous simulation (Atrial & Ventricular channels are independently selectable by the user)
Atrial Pacer Pulse (Note: relates only to the TV pacer) Width: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2 ms
Polarity: + or -
Amplitude: 0 (off), 2 to 20 (by 2), 50, 100, 200, 500, 700 mV
Ventricular Pacer Pulse (Note: relates only to the TV pacer) Width: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2 ms
Polarity: + or -
Amplitude: 0 (off), 2 to 20 (by 2), 50, 100, 200, 500, 700 mV
(BNC Jack)
Accuracy ± 5 % for 2 Hz Square Wave , 50 _ output impedance
Transcutaneous Pacemaker Analyzer Specifications (Impulse 7000DP only)
Test Load Selections
Defibrillator Testload (Internal) Fixed load: 50 Ω ±1 %, non-inductive ( <2 μH)
Power rating: 10 defib pulses of 360 Joules every 5 minutes
Pacemaker Testloads (Internal) Variable load: 50 to 1500 Ω in 50-Ωsteps (±1 %), non-inductive ( < 2uH)
Power rating: 5 W (average), 40 W (peak) @ 1000 Ω
Pacemaker Measurements
Manufacturer specific algorithms GE Responder (1500 & 1700)
MDE 300 (Medical Data Electronics)
Medtronic ERS/Physio Control LIFEPAK
MRL (Medical Research Laboratory/Welch Allyn)
Philips/Agilent HP
Schiller Medical
ZOLL Medical
(plus a general purpose Default Algorithm selection)
Current 4 to 250 mA, ± (1% of reading + 0.02 mA)
Pulse rate 5 to 800 PPM, ± (0.5% of reading + 0.1 PPM)
Pulse width 1 to 100 ms, ± (0.5% of reading + 0.01 ms)
Energy 1 μJ to 2 J, ± (4% of reading + 10 μJ)
Demand and Asynchronous Mode Test
Input pacer pulse rates 30 to 200 PPM
ECG NSR wave Rate:10 to 300 BPM in 1 BPM increments.
Amplitude:1 mV
Underdrive rate:10 BPM minimum
Overdrive rate:300 BPM maximum
Sensitivity Test
Automatic interactive threshold detection Compatible pacer rates: 30 to 120 PPM.
ECG R Wave Waveforms:Square, Triangle, Sine
Width:1 to 19 (by 1) ms. 20 to 95 (by 5) ms. 100 to 300 (by 25) ms
Amplitude:0.05 to 0.95 (by 0.05) mV. 1 to 5 (by 0.5) mV
Accuracy:± 5% of setting
Refractory Period Tests
Paced Refractory Period 20 to 500 ms
Sensed Refractory Period 15 to 500 ms
Accuracy ± 1 ms
Pacer pulse rate 20 to 200 PPM
ECG Waveform:Triangle wave
Pulse Width:40 ms
Amplitude:1 mV

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