Fluke 5700A - Multifunkčný kalibrátor

Značka: Fluke

Taking accuracy to a new level

The 5700A and 5720A are five-function calibrators designed to address the most demanding electrical calibration workload. They source direct and alternating voltage and current and resistance. A wideband voltage option extends overall ac bandwidth to 10 Hz to 30 MHz to cover to RF voltmeters. Both are compatible with the 5725A, and 5205A/5215A amplifiers.

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Fluke 5700A - Multifunkčný kalibrátor
Značka: Fluke
Fluke 5700A - Multifunkčný kalibrátor
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Záručný, pozáručný servis teplomerov, multimetrov a iného metrologického vybavenia.
Servis a kalibrácia
teplomerov, multimetrov a iného metrologického vybavenia vrátane záručného a pozáručného servisu.

Tento výrobok sa už nedodáva, náhrada je Fluke 5730A - presný multifunkčný kalibrátor

5720A: The lowest uncertainties of any multifunction calibrator

Since its introduction in 1988, the 5700A has earned a worldwide reputation for performance, dependability and quality, and as a result it is the calibrator of choice throughout government and industry.

Today, the 5720A offers even more. In addition to the dependability, simplified calibration, ease-of-use and worldwide support that has made the 5700A number one, the 5720A offers uncertainty specifications that rival anything available today. Customers can get all the performance they need to calibrate their most demanding workload of multimeters up to 8 1/2 digits quickly, easily and reliably. This improvement in performance results from factory testing to even tighter tolerances, and from a variety of hardware and firmware improvements.

5700A Series II: The world standard

In service since 1988, the 5700A has undergone continuous improvements to become the 5700A Series II, one of the most tested and reliable high precision calibrators Fluke has ever produced. Considered the calibration standard worldwide, the 5700A delivers high value as well as accuracy covering 5 1/2 to 7 1/2 digit dmms. Plus it offers the same ease of use, low cost of ownership, rugged design, simplified support and confidence building features as the 5720A.

Specifications available at both 99% and 95% confidence levels

Specifications for both the 5700A and 5720A are stated with a choice of confidence levels. Now, you can use the conservative 99% specifications that Fluke traditionally publishes, or more aggressive 95% specifications recommended in many international procedures. In addition to allowing you to trade a small amount of risk for better performance, 95% confidence level specifications allow easier measurement intercomparisons. Both specifications are available at a press of the SPEC key for any output.


Both the 5700A and 5720A can emulate, via the remote interface, either a 5100B or 5200A calibrator, permitting them to replace those older calibrators in automated systems with little or no impact on software. In addition, it is compatible with the 5725A Amplifier, and 5205A or 5215A Precision Power Amplifiers.

Simplified support with complete confidence

Both the 5700A and the 5720A feature Artifact Calibration. Only three artifact standards -- a 10V dc reference and 1Ω and 10 kΩ resistance references are required to calibrate all ranges and functions to full specifications. Front panel instructions prompt the operator to make connections and inputs each step of the way. The calibrator controls the process, which takes only about an hour, compared to several hours using traditional methods.

During the process, assigned values of an external artifact are transferred to a large array of multidimensional parameters within the 5720A. The calibrator takes over the manual metrology functions of establishing ratios and making comparisons, as well as controlling the measurement process.

To assure confidence, the 5700A and 5720A can check themselves against their own internal standards to assure everything is working as expected. Those results can be printed out or downloaded to a computer.

Thousands of 5700A calibrators in service around the world prove Artifact Calibration delivers fast, easy and inexpensive calibration along with the confidence that your instrument is performing as expected between calibrations.


5725A Amplifier

The 5720 and 5700 calibrators can increase their performance with the use of the 5725 boost amplifier. The 5725A Amplifier increases maximum direct and alternating current to 11A for calibrating the high current ranges of popular low-cost, handheld DMMs. It also extends the calibrator’s alternating Volt-Hertz product to 1100V at 30 kHz and 750V at 100 kHz to cover the calibration requirements of high accuracy bench and system meters.

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5700A/5720A Multifunction Calibrators
Technical Specifications
Voltage DC
Ranges: 0 to ±1100V
5700A Best 1 Year Specification: ±7.0 ppm of setting
5720A Best 1 Year Specification: ±3.5 ppm of setting
Voltage AC
Ranges: 220 mV to 1100V
10 Hz to 1 MHz
5700A Best 1 Year Specification: ±75.0 ppm of setting
5720A Best 1 Year Specification: ±45.0 ppm of setting
Ranges: 0 to 100 MΩ, 18 values in x1 and x1.9
5700A Best 1 Year Specification: ±12.0 ppm
5720A Best 1 Year Specification: ±8.5 ppm
Current DC
Ranges: 0 to ±2.2A (11A with 5725A)
5700A Best 1 Year Specification: ±50 ppm of setting
5720A Best 1 Year Specification: ±35 ppm of setting
Current AC
Ranges: 9 m A to 2.2A (11A with 5725A) 10 Hz to 10 kHz
5700A Best 1 Year Specification: ±140 ppm of setting
5720A Best 1 Year Specification: ±120 ppm of setting
Wideband AC Voltage Option
Ranges: 300 m V to 3.5V
10 Hz to 30 MHz
5700A Best 1 Year Specification: ±0.4% of setting
5720A Best 1 Year Specification: ±0.4% of setting

General Specifications
Warm up Time
2x the time since last warmed up, to a maximum of 30 minutes
System Installation
Rear output configuration and rack-mount kit available
IEEE-488, RS-232, 5725A, 5205A or 5215A, 5220A, phase lock in (BNC), phase reference out (BNC)
Temperature Performance
Operating: 0°C to 50°C
Calibration: 15°C to 35°C
Storage: -40°C to 75°C
Relative Humidity
Operating: < 80% to 30°C, < 70% to 40°C, < 40% to 50°C
Storage: < 95%, non-condensing. A power-on stabilization period of four days may be required after extended storage at high temperature and humidity.
Designed to comply with UL311; IEC 348-1978; IEC 66E (CO)4; CSA 556B
Guard isolation
20 volts
Designed to comply with FCC Rules Part 15, Subpart J, Class B; VDE 0871, Class B
Line Power
47 to 63 Hz; + 10% allowed about selectable nominal line voltage: 100V, 110V, 115V, 120V, 200V, 220V, 230V, 240V
Maximum power: 5700A/5720A: 300 VA;5725A, 750 VA
5700A/5720A: Height 17.8 cm (7 in), standard rack increment, plus 1.5 cm (0.6 in) for feet; width 43.2 cm (17 in), standard rack width; depth 63.0 cm (24.8 in) overall; 57.8 cm (22.7 in), rack depth
5725A: Height 13.3 cm (5.25 in); width and depth same as 5700A/5720A
Both units project 5.2 cm, (2 in) from rack front
5700A/5720A: 27 kg (62 lbs.)
5725A: 32 kg (70 lbs.)

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